Monday, April 25, 2016

Good day friends!

Over the past year it systematically becomes aware of antisemitism in Ukraine and in Europe in general: I mentioned in few posts before about such incidents and situations, and it is not getting better. Just as long as last week in Moldova 10 graves were destroyed on Jewish cemetery. In Poland a monument to "Grieving Mother" was desecrated with anti-Semitic texts. Same story happened in Kaliningrad just before that. Holland Jews have to take mezuzah from their houses because of threat of anti-Semites attack. In Ukrainian Kolyma, for the last half of the year, Jewish cemetery was vandalized three times. On Babi Yar memorial complex in Kyiv, menorah was set on fire nine times by vandals… And so on and so forth. And all this in not manifestation of anti-Semitism, but wretchedness and poverty of soul and mind. Attempting to attack on Jewish traditions, the desecration of the memory of the dead – is vandalism of the highest rank, that you can only imagine.

History of Jewish nation is full of sorrow, blood and tears. For centuries Jews were exterminated only for their origin: this means, to be killed, you didn’t have to take any radical action, but only be born as a Jew. Fortunately, this terrible period in the history of the Jewish people is over and today Jews can stand up for themselves and their loved ones.

But there are those who do not like even the dead Jews... In their malevolent helplessness they "fight" with those, who cannot answer, desecrating not only their memory, but also the feelings of their loved ones.

To stop this process, in my opinion, it is needed to implement two main steps: firstly – strengthening of defense of Jewish heritage by the government. Secondly – educational work with population. It is very important for people to know and understand, that aggression and destruction – is just vandalism actions and they have no connection to opinion expression. Very often the rejection of individual politicians or public people transforms it in such attacks and hatred to Jewish people.

This autumn the whole world will look back on one of the most terrible events in Jewish history - the 75th anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy. To that date, a special government commission responsible for preparing the events was created. I am involved in that too. We will do our best for the policy at the highest level to participate in the commemoration ceremony. I, Honorary Consul of the state of Israel, will do everything possible for many world leaders - presidents, the heads of parliaments, prime ministers – to see what is happening in Ukraine now. I am sure that this can be a really starting point in order to change the situation.

To make more people finally understand the difference between personal rejection and attitude to the people, to see the real prospects of relationships with contemporary Israel, I, as Honorary Consul of the State of Israel, do everything I can. I am pleased to report that in May, the president of the Holocaust Foundation, journalist, public figure and human rights activist, one of the leaders of the anti-fascist movement, Alla Gerber will come to Ukraine. Mrs. Gerber will read a series of lectures in Ukrainian universities, also she will meet with reporters and make a presentation of her book. Alla Gerber, as a living witness to the destruction of the Jews, will share her experience in the construction of a free civil society. The detailed program of Alla Gerber’s stay will appear a bit later, but for now I can say that her performance can be heard in Kyiv and Lviv.

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