Friday, April 8, 2016

Recently, on April 2 the whole world had held a Day of dissemination of the information about autists – people who are virtually defenseless in front of the world.

These people are particularly sensitive to the things usual for everyone – the light, the sound and the emotions. Autistic children often have difficulties in understanding what others people say as they live in their own world. The reasons for such emotional conditions can be completely different, but all autistic children have one common problem – this is communication with the outside world.

In Ukraine no one talks about people with certain problems, it is appropriate to pretend that they do not exist. At best, they are simply ignored, but more often, they get aggressive reaction. This reaction is caused by the usual fear that the person next to you "is not like you" and you can’t predict how can he behave himself. That is why it is so important to spread the information about people with physical or psychological problems. Ignoring the problem is not an option.

In Israel, there is no "special" attitude to the disabled people (this word does not seem to me so scary or impolite, it just means that a person is restricted in some way, no more), Israeli society is friendly in this sense. No one marks out or separates people with certain physical characteristics, so obviously they don’t feel themselves “not like others”. There is all the necessities to make the disabled people feel comfortable EVERYWHERE in Israel: ramps, elevators to the beach, special public transport lifts, etc. ..

As for autistic people, the Israeli army has a unique unit, where young people with autistic disorders serve. This unit deals with the analysis of maps and images: unlike the average person, autists have the power to notice the small details, match the details, which simple soldier will not see. The thing is that autistic people’s operational process of visual or text data is much more faster, they are very accurate in details, and can handle the incredible amount of information in a short time. Thanks to such kind of analysis, Israel saves the lives of its soldiers every day, and military service helps autistic soldiers to feel whole palette of life skills. And what is more, such people are unreplaceable in the high technologies field.

The society, not just tolerated, but also being friendly to all its citizens, convenient for them, simply doomed for a peaceful existence. Tell me, have you seen any parents or teachers who are willing to take an autistic child in a class?

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