Monday, August 15, 2016

Today I would like to talk about refugees and displaced residents - one of the most painful and topical issues of the modern world.

Wars, conflicts, ethnic discrimination, dictatorships and natural disasters force many people to roam the world in search of a better life. At first glance, these people cause sympathy and desire to help. But is it so harmless?

I have repeatedly written posts about how “poor” refugees behave in so hospitable Germany and provided statistics on the number of robberies, rapes, etc. I am sure that average Germans are not thrilled with such neighbors.

Of course, there are people who need support, help and understanding, however, a very large percentage of these displaced persons often speculate on their plight, not willing to respect the laws and traditions of the country, which they have arrived to.

Israel has faced this problem several times - immigrants from Morocco brought polygamy with them, the Soviet atheists did not recognize either religion or traditions.

Residents of Ukraine have faced displaced persons inside the country, it would seem the same nation, the same culture, but we see a number of stories about the speculation on “plight” and impudent behavior of the displaced.

Alas, it is impossible to fight the behavior of displaced persons within the country legislatively, but immigrants - completely. An example of how to do it has recently been given by Switzerland, in which the issue of integration into the society is paid a lot of attention to.

As well as the other members of the EU, Switzerland has received a number of Muslim refugees. The authorities of Basel rejected the application of two Muslim girls for obtaining citizenship because they did not attend the lessons provided by the school curriculum, in particular - swimming. The girls’ parents who forbade them to attend such lessons were faced a $ 1,500 fine. The Supreme Court ruled that religious motives cannot exempt from attending lessons.

In April, in the canton of Basel members of a Muslim family have been denied citizenship due to the fact that they went around the city in sports trousers and did not greet bypassers. According to the committee responsible for the adaptation of refugees in the country, it is an exact sign that family has not assimilated sufficiently.

In Switzerland, those who refuse to abide by the laws and customs of the state do not get citizenship, even if they have lived in the country for a long time, are employed and have a good command of one of the official languages ​​- German, French or Italian.

These examples show very clearly that a strong nation is primarily the one that appreciates and respects its history, culture, language and tradition and does not forgive disregard of these issues. If you come to live in Israel - be so kind to learn Hebrew and take the customs of the country. If you call yourself a Ukrainian - accordingly choose the Ukrainian language and respect the Ukrainian culture. Only with this attitude to the country one can build a normal future.

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