Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ten days of repentance сame to the end, and today, dear compatriots, I congratulate you on one of the most important holidays - the Day of Atonement!

Yom Kippur is the Day of Judgment, Day of Atonement, on which a Jew receives the sentence from God, which is sealed. It will decide the fate of man for a coming year. On this day fasting is shared by most of the Jewish population of Israel, regardless of the level of religiosity. Fast is strict – person can not eat and drink for 25 hours.

Traditionally, you should definitely ask for forgiveness from relatives, because you could insult them and did not notice that. You should also remember to commemorate the departed. To pay the spiritual debts, there is a tradition of "giving tzedakah" - handing out money, or just a smile to people and doing some good deeds.

I'll tell you about the traditional rite called "kaparot". Men or women spin cock or hen overhead. They say that animal assumes sins. Than bird is given to the butcher, and its cost – goes to charity. However it is believed that the ritual will work only if people really repented of their sins and seek forgiveness.

Yom Kippur starts with a prayer “Kol Nidre”: it is completely outstanding, its unique melody is well known all over the world. Mention about the special music of this prayer firstly appeared in the 16th century. Listen to this work performed by Yosele Rosenblatt and you will understand what I mean. Thousands of people come to all the synagogues to listen to it, true religion people remain at the synagogues for all day.

On this day Israel stops the entire move on the roads - Jews do not drive cars on Yom Kippur. Moreover – foreigners can not use them too. Also, shops and restaurants, radio and television don’t work as well.

Yom Kippur ends with a prayer "Neilah": it "closes" the Sky, which took ten days of prayers and requests, sent by believers. So this last prayer is the fondest, it takes all the desire and strength of people’s hearts. Lastly, shofar sounds, which means that all sentences are handed.

I wish you good fortune, pure thoughts and God's help! Be honest and act from the heart, with only the best intentions!

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