Monday, October 12, 2015

Oleg Vyshniakov - Ukraine and Israel. Elections.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen

The "agitation attack" is held during last few weeks in Ukraine and it is only widening day by day. There are many promoters with newspapers, leaflets and other promotional “souvenirs”. Agitation tents and boards with candidates’ appeals overshadowed commercials advertising in amount. In TV commercials each candidate explains to the electorate in a very eloquent and accessible manner why he is the one to be chosen....

 I understand that such an election activity causes a rejection and anger. While meeting people I often hear such position as "How long will this continue?", "What will be changed?", "My vote does not solve anything," "It would be better to spend money on something useful rather than leaflets and visuals" and so on.

I agree with the fact that there are too many election campaigns and that budgets should be spent for more useful initiative of our capital rather than payment of billboards. But at the same time I do not agree with the position "my vote will not change anything." It will change.

Two years ago Ukraine has shown the world that we are free and proud people who do not allow to be treated as a dumb herd. Maydan became the embodiment of the will and independence of the Ukrainian nation. Let's not forget that.

Your choice is the future of your city and the future of Ukraine.

Therefore I’ll find time in my busy schedule to fulfill my civic duty. And I ask all of you to do the same.

In the Criminal Code there is such term as “tort of negligence”. Treating your own future, future of you native city and country with indifference is tort of negligence. Of course we won’t solve all the problems by simple ticking the box in bulletin, but history is being made by humans. That is why it is you to decide who will head your cities: sane economic executive, who wants to put things right, or passive corrupt official who will come to power only because you have no time to come to elections. If we want to live better, we need to shape our future by ourselves and not to wait inactively till someone will come and solve all the problems. Changes are in your hands.

I ask you one more time to come to elections and make your choice! Don’t be indifferent to your own future!

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