Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today, all Jews around the world celebrate Purim – a holiday in honour of the miraculous salvation of the Jews, which occurred more than 2,400 years ago during the reign of the Persian King Ahasuerus.

The holiday got its name from the word "pur", which means "lot".

By the lot Adviser to King Haman had appointed a day – Adar 13, to kill all the freedom-loving Jews of Persia, who did not want to kneel before him, but only to God. He promised Ahasuerus 10,000 pieces of silver to the treasury for the fact that anyone could kill a Jew and to take away its property. The King agreed.

However, it is the Jew Mordechai who randomly heard about the plot against King and told about this to its guard: the criminals had been caught and about this happening was written in the palace book. Later Ahasuerus got to know about this and ordered to award the saviour. This fact angered Haman even more because he had already picked a tree for hanging of Mordecai. Then Mordecai told about this to the Queen (also a Jew), a beautiful Esther. To save her people, Esther had ordered all the Jews to atone for their sins and to fast for three days; then she arranged a sumptuous feast, she invited the King and his Advisor Haman. Holiday had impressed the King so much, that he promised to fulfil any wish of Esther: of course she asked Ahasuerus not to kill the Jews. But according to the law, the King could not cancel his decree. Then he issued a new decree, which allowed all Jews to defend their lives, and to take away all the property of the attackers. Haman had been hanged on the tree, where he wanted to hang Mordecai.

Since then, Jews celebrate the miracle of liberation from the Persian slavery. Merry feasts, carnivals and masquerades are held during two days. The traditional Purim triangular cakes with jam are baked for the holiday. It is called gomentashy (Haman's ears). During the Purim, it is obliged to drink as much wine, so not to distinguish the name of Haman from Mordechai. When on the eve of the holiday is read about the events in the synagogues, at the mentioning of Haman's name all are whistling and banging rattlers, to howl down the name of the enemy.

On the Purim’s eve, which in this year is celebrated from 23 to 25 March, in many Israeli schools and kindergartens festive children's matinee are held, and in the streets, cafes and public transport you can find children and adults in unusual costumes.

The history has taught us to never give up, do not back down, even with the most powerful enemy. If the people are united, they will be able to win in any confrontation. Today I sincerely wish all the Ukrainians and Israelis a lot of fun and joy! Merry Purim!

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