Friday, November 18, 2016


Yesterday, in a Tel Aviv hospital "Ihilov" died one gorgeous woman. She was 94 years old, her name was Pnina Hrinshpan-Frimer. She was one of the last living heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which took place in 1943.

Since 1941, Eastern European Jews in ghettos have tried to start resisting the enemy. To do this they secretly accumulated weapons or made them by themselves. This Jewish underground numbered about a hundred of different groups, the most active of which was located in the Warsaw ghetto. It was called the Jewish Combat Organization and was formed when the 300,000 Jews were deported from Warsaw to the death camp "Treblinka".

Then those who were left alive united to defend. Among them was Pnina. The first action of the rebels occurred in January 1943 when soldiers opened fire against the Nazis, who were preparing another group of people for deportation. The enemies retreated and this extremely small victory inspired militant organization.

The uprising began on the 19th of April 1943 and lasted nearly a month. Just 750 soldiers tried to restrain the powerful German army, which had the advantage on the numbers and arms. So, in the end, Jewish Combat Organization were overcome. Then 7,000 Jews were shot on the spot, more than 5,000 were burned alive. More than 50 000 people were sent to concentration camps.

But hundreds of people survived. They were able to reach the camp of partisans, which was out of the city and continued to fight. Others, including Pnina, hided in the Polish city blocks. The fight was the meaning of her life, and she united her heart with the heart of another Jewish resistance fighter - Haim. After the war, they lived a wonderful life together in Israel. And now they are buried near on the cemetery.

We all have to honor the people who fought against injustice and cruelty, and were not afraid to pay the highest price - gave their own lives. I think every Ukrainian knows with this feeling of absolute respect. Do not forget your heroes and appreciate their role in your present.

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