Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Today I want to tell you about a terrible event for all the Jews that is known as "Kristallnacht" or "Night of broken glass." I'm sure none of you will remain indifferent.

All of you know that Adolf Hitler did extraordinary efforts in order to make “undesirable” people for him emigrate from the country, he introduced draconian laws that made life of Jews in the country impossible. But they suffered. It extremely irritated Hitler, so he decided to "remove" all Jews by the total hate. But how to make people rebel? The head of the Third Reich knew for sure. He decided to tarnish the reputation of Jews one of them is used to, at least, kill a German diplomat. The task was not easy. He asked Reinhardt Heydrich, who already had experience of such operations, to do it. He picked up the "victim" - Herschel Grynszpan who was around 17 years old. He moved to France from Germany, lived with his uncle and "met" with the secretary of the German embassy in the country Ernst von Rat.

While he searched for a specific 'object' in Germany the great pogrom was prepared. They increased camps and marked Jewish shops. On the 28th of October began the deportation of 17,000 Jews - they were sent to the border with Poland. For the few days’ people had to stand on a neutral strip between the two countries, because none wanted to take them. Among the deportees was also Hryunshpan’s family that sent the boy a letter, asking to transfer a little money. It was intercepted by the Gestapo agents, one of whom had attempted to persuade Herschel to kill and gave him money for weapons. Agent succeeded. On the 9th of November Herschel came to the embassy, ​​where he, without any search, went tp von Rath. Guy released him by the few bullets, but did not kill, only wounded. He was arrested.

This attempt – was the greatest thing Hitler wanted. It was the catalyst for the Nazis, who launched a bloody real tornado. They ran to buildings, beaten, raped, killed Jews. They crushed shop windows, and because of the broken glass that glittered like crystal, that terrible night got its name. The Nazis destroyed the synagogues, those who were on vacant lots, they set on fire, ones which were near the German property crushed. In general, according to various sources, on the "Crystal Night" were killed between 90 to 400 Jews, hundreds of people have committed suicide, thousands were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Generally, there were burned hundreds of synagogues and smashed thousands of stores.

Ernst vom Rath, incidentally, survived the assassination attempt. Then Hitler sent to Paris his doctor Karl Brandt, who had to "save" the diplomat. He did it well - he poured him the blood of another group. Herschel Grynszpan hoped to escape because of the US Jewish organization forwarded him 20 thousand dollars for a lawyer. And while he was in prison, and was waiting for the court, Hitler's troops captured Paris. According to one version, Herschel died in Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

In memory of this terrible event on the 9th of November is celebrated the International Day against fascism, racism and anti-Semitism. Friends, I believe that there will never be a fire of hatred in your hearts. Because it destroys a person from the middle. Do not let anyone to manipulate your mind and attitude. And value others the most, their lives and welfare. Then you will get only good in return.

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