Friday, February 26, 2016

What are people in Israel doing in winter? They are running!

Yesterday, Tel Aviv hosted the traditional international sports marathon, one of the most popular in the country. The grand race was attended by more than 40 thousand people, including 2500 foreigners. To carry out such large-scale event the police had to block off the streets. Marathon route passes through the historical part of the town, so runners have the opportunity not only to cover the distance but also to enjoy the UNESCO World Heritage and the natural beauty of Tel Aviv.

The event program includes the carrying out of half marathon, races at 10 and 5 km, children's race, as well as hand-cycling competitions for people with disabilities. The first prize equals to 40 thousand US dollars. This year, Kenyan athlete William Igun second time in a row won the Tel Aviv marathon, being the fastest who has run 42 kilometers

With a great pleasure Israeli youth, older people and even children are participating in such kind of events: even five-year kids are allowed to participate on one of the marathon stages. I must say that young people lead a pretty active lifestyle in Israel, they spend a lot of time outdoors, preferring to chat with friends than attending bars that are so popular among Ukrainian youth. I can assure you that youth in Israel smoke cigarettes and drink alcoholic beverages much less in comparison with the Ukrainian. Perhaps this is a historical feature, but it may be due to the fact that all young people in Israel are obliged to undergo the military training in the army, and the weak has nothing to do there.

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