Monday, March 27, 2017


Today I would like to remind you of a terrible event in Israel's history. OOn this day in 2002 at the hotel "Park" in the Netanya the terrorist attack occurred, which killed 30 people. More than 140 were injured. This tragedy was the culmination of a series of attacks that "Hamas" organized in Israel.

Imagine – evening, Cedar Easter. 250 people gathered at the Hotel for a festive meal. According to the memories of witnesses, the terrorist was disguised in a woman, on the other versions - just wore the inconspicuous dressed, quietly entered the dining hall and blew himself up in the middle of it. There were injured entire families, including women, children and the elderly. The responsibility for the terrible crime was undertaken by the terrorist organizations "Hamas" and "Martyrs Brigade Al-Aqsa."

You know that the State of Israel appreciates life of every Israeli, so the organizers of the terrorist attack were punished: in January 2006, the organizer of the terrorist attacks in the hotel "Park" and shopping center "Ha-Sharon" in Netanya Abbas Al-Saeed was sentenced to 35 life hardships. Besides him, the same term is serving 5 more involved in organization of the attack.

Not only terrible grief, I would like to share with you. But also, a cautionary tale of survivors of hell. In the terrorist attack died director of hotel "Park" - 44-year-old Amir Hammam. He left six children, fortunately, in tragedy only one of them was wounded. After the explosion of the hotel from the building were left only walls. But his wife Karin after the terrible tragedy that she had to endure, took herself into hands and conducted the restoration of the hotel and started to manage it - for children. Now the hotel operates and takes guests, Karin does not allow herself to grieve even on the 27th of March, in the worst day of his life. She says that grandchildren do not have to see his grandmother in tears.

Another victim of the attack was Anna Vayshbeyn. At that time, she came to Israel from Ukraine and worked at as a waitress to earn money. After the explosion because of injuries she became disabled. But she also did not lose everything. She took up dancing professionally in wheelchairs and managed to win several awards at the European and world championships.

I wish that these stories remind you that for any black bands will be white, and the people who hurt others, sooner or later will be punished.

Eternal memory to the dead.

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