Sunday, May 14, 2017


Friends! Today in Ukraine is celebrated Mother's Day.

The idea to allocate a separate day to honor mothers unity in the struggle for peace came from pacifists. But it did not receive wide support. But in 1907, the American Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia, took the initiative to honor mothers and their role in everyone's life. She wanted to do it in memory of her mother, Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis, who was a prominent social activist, fighted for the development of healthcare in the US. Her ideawas reliazed: she wrote a touching letter everywhere she could, ranging from government agencies and ending with celebrities. She asked to withdraw one day a year to honor mothers.

Firstly Mother's Day was recognized an official holiday in Virginia in 1910. Four years later, in 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May a national holiday to honor all mothers. After World War I it began to be celebrated in Europe.

Ukrainian community celebrated the first Mother's Day in 1928. However, in Canada. The initiator of the event was the Union of Ukrainians of Canada. In a year marked holiday in Lviv. Initiative Canadian women was supported by the main editor of the weekly "Women's destiny" Elena Kysilewska. Since 1929, the feast has been implemented and Ternopil. Subsequently, various organizations staged concerts, conferences, festivals on the occasion of Mother's Day throughout Western Ukraine.

But in 1939, Soviet authorities banned the celebration. Only after more than half a century, in 1990 Mother's Day returned to Ukraine on the initiative of the same Union of Ukrainians. Mother's Day officially was established in Ukraine in 1999, it is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May.

"My Dear Mother, you did not sleep at nights .." Ukrainian poets have found many different kind words that you can present to greet your mothers. They - are the most valuable thing in our lifes. I thank every mother who reads these words for her efforts in educating their children, warm heartd, sincere and ambitious support. I wish you all health, happiness and warmth!

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