Monday, November 16, 2015

The European Union formed anti -Russian propaganda committee

It’s hard to imagine modern life without information, without any means of communication, a telephone. TV and social networks have often challenged the real world. Everyday thousands of people are in a hurry to bring to our houses information about weather, national currency, or changes in government policies. The Day of workers of television, radio and communications is today.

I think their work is difficult to overestimate. "Who owns the information, he owns the world" everyone knows this motto. Digital communication channels distribute information in real time and around the world in a split second. Is it good or bad? The consciousness of every person in any developed country is largely formed by mass media. That’s great to receive promptly news or study online. But there is other side of the coin, the information in the hands of "wrong" people becomes powerful weapon.

We all have observed how the events which are taking place in Ukraine, are "modified" after the skillful editing in the hands of certain "journalists." And here we can see the crucified children, babies stuffed with bullfinches and other images, bright created by modern technologies. So bright that people even believe it.

At such moments I remember the times of the Cold War. At that time any opinion depended on the lines of newspapers and broadcaster’s voice. Is time cyclical? Yes, probably, because now it is happening all the same. The modern world is trying to divide into several opposing camps, accusing each other of all sins. It is important to understand where the truth.

Today the EU creates a committee which will debunk the false Russian media. A team of volunteers will be engaged in a survey of disinformation, called EU Task Forces. More than 300 experts from 30 countries will be in the group. This multinational team determined to demonstrate to Europeans the amount of Russian media disinformation which they receive every day.

Let me remind you that the budget of propaganda-giant Russia Today is several times more than the budget of the Commercial BBC. It is very difficult but necessary to contend with such a machine.

Modern person , as well as ancestors, continues to live in captivity of myths and fairy tales. Can we distinguish reality from falsehood? There is only one way: to live honestly, always stay human, guided by moral values and not by fashion and general mood.

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