Friday, May 6, 2016

In my posts, I often say that Israel has been living in a state of war from its origin.

Today I would like to speak about one of these periods, which was called “Six-Day War”.

In spring 1967, after the escalation of the situation in the Middle East, appeared calls to destroy Israel completely. The neighbors openly intended to destroy all the Jews living there. Against the small State of Israel acted the coalition of Arab countries: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, which were superior in armed forces, armament quality and number of soldiers. There were 240 thousand people only in the Egyptian army, 50 thousand – in the Syrian army, 70 thousand – in the Iraqi army. In addition, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Arab countries were ready to join the conflict. Also I will remind you that the bulk of the weaponry, which was used then against Israel, was supplied by the Soviet Union.

Israel, like Ukraine two years ago, hoped to get the support of the guarantors - the US, Britain and France. On May 23, US President Lyndon Johnson criticized the Middle East conflict, saying that the blockade is an illegal act and that the United States “is determined to guarantee the territorial integrity of all countries in the Middle East.” England placed on instant alert its warships in the Mediterranean Sea. But the matter was not father than statement of extreme concern and condemnation of the conflict. Israel could only rely on its own strength.

Then, the Israeli government decided to strike on the Egyptian army in the Sinai Peninsula. The unique operation was carried out: on June 3, 3000 Israeli soldiers got leave to make an Israeli strike unexpected for an enemy. Photos of Israeli soldiers relaxing on the beaches appeared in the press around the world. And on June 5, the Israeli Air Force attacked Egyptian military airfields at low level. It took Israelis 57 minutes for the operation, including the return, refueling and inspection of the aircraft, while the Egyptians needed two hours to do that. Israeli aircraft made several passes over the target, trying to get a precision strike. During the first hours of the war the Egyptian Air Force as a serious fighting force, which was able to support ground troops, ceased to exist. By the end of the second day of the war the Egyptian Air Force lost 309 aircraft and helicopters, including all 30 long-range bombers Tu-16.

In response, Syrian and Jordanian aircraft attacked Israeli airfields: united aircraft destroyed several decoys of Israeli aircraft and one transporter. In response, the Israelis, because of accurate and coordinated actions, destroyed 60 Syrian aircraft, 40 Jordanian and 50 Egyptian MiGs ... Thanks to this brilliant strategy, outcome of the war was almost foregone. Next was a ground operation, as a result of which Israel did not lose, but gained new territories.

Despite the loses, joined forces announces of operation success in Israel. For positive picture, it was supposed. The most hostile position to Israel, apart from Arabic countries, was taken by Soviet Union. On the first day of war Soviet mass media accused Israel of aggression against Egypt, and Soviet government declared that they “reserve the right to take any action that the situation may require”. Despite that Soviet Union promised not to interfere in Arab-Israel conflict if USA will not interfere too. Familiar reasoning. But on 10thof June USSR severed diplomatic relations with Israel. From the beginning of the conflict Egypt, Syria, and Iraq were flooded with Soviet armaments.

Not so long ago it became clear, that war might end in a different way. In 1967 USSR was ready to lunch strike on Nuclear Reactor in Dimon, in Negev desert. As a result of that attack, all map of Middle East region would be rearranged, as the history itself. On 10th of June the order was given to lunch bomb strikes on nuclear reactor in Dimon and a number of other targets on Israel territory. For this mission it was meant to use 30 strategic TU-16 bombers, that had to cross through Turkish territory as Egypt aviation. At the last moment Turkey didn’t give clearance to enter its airspace for Soviet aircraft.

During the Six-Day War Israel got one of the brightest victories not only in its history, but in the history of world. Armies of three Arabic countries were crushed, that lost more than 15 thousand victims, and around 6 thousand of soldier and officer as hostages. Israel lost 777 man. Such great victory became possible due to excellent training, high morale and correct strategy of the leadership. Israel was ready. As a result of Six-Day War united Jerusalem became the capital of Israel. Israel annexed Golan Heights, that has great strategic importance. Sinai and West Bank of Jordan river fall under Israel control.

On my opinion Ukraine is now at very similar situation. And today its future depends on the correct tactics, because Ukrainian soldiers are full of morale and motivation already. History shows a lesson that independence can be protected even with small force. So why don’t we use Israel experience, who succeeded in this?

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