Friday, May 27, 2016

Over the past few years, Ukraine faced a number of new or long-forgotten problems associated with the war.

But if the issues of armament or equipment for soldiers are somehow solved, the problems of people, who have become disabled as a result of hostilities, are not really dealt with. Almost daily the press center of ATO reports of soldiers wounded in the Donbass: many of them will remain disabled for the whole life.

Today in Ukraine there is no extensive government program that would provide social and psychological support to soldiers. Rehabilitation and adaptation of veterans again fell on the shoulders of volunteers and activists. I'm not saying that no city of Ukraine can be fully considered friendly to a person with disabilities. Of course, recently in Ukraine the attitude to the soldiers has changed: people began to notice men in uniform and show respect for them. But the soldiers cannot wear uniforms all the time.

In this sense, Israel has overtaken Ukraine for two hundred years. In addition to the well-developed infrastructure for disabled people, the state cares not only about every soldier, but also about his family. In Israel there is the government program of psychological help for soldiers, a serious social support when a soldier does not have to stand in line for months for an operation on prosthetics. In addition, Israeli society treats its soldiers with the utmost respect, realizing that these people protect the country risking their lives.

In Ukraine volunteers on their own began actively helping the soldiers to take courses of physical and psychological recovery. So last week one of the capital's sports clubs hosted the tournament "Games of Heroes ", which was attended by ATO soldiers with different amputations. Each team of two soldiers had to go through five stages: the bike, push-ups, doing abdominal crunches, weightlifting and rowing simulator. Just look at these guys! I cannot really call them people with disabilities. In addition, they physically can give a huge head start to many, they have managed to cope with the main rival for any soldier - to overcome themselves. By their example, they have shown the other soldiers, that life does not end, and you can live fully, even after such terrible injuries.

Of course, such projects as "Games of Heroes" should be actively supported and developed, but without government support, only with the efforts of volunteers - how long will they exist?

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