Thursday, January 12, 2017


On this day 108 years ago, was born Mary Primachenko - unmatched and original Ukrainian artist.

So far there are disputes about how to spell the name of the master of the brush. She responded for the matter differently. Once she said that Pryimachenko was right spelling because her parents were from “pryymaks”, other times - that Primachenko, because “pryymaks” were called “primacks” in her village. At least, the last official documents of Mary were signed "Primachenko."

Maria was born in Kyiv region, in the village. When she was seven years old, she became ill. The diagnosis was terrible - polio. The disease has left its mark on the health of woman. An artist always walked with crutches and felt terrible pain.

Partial disability allowed her to go out less to the work and more to stay home. There she discovered the world of art. Seriously she began to paint when she was 17. She painted her house with blue clay. Neighbors liked the bright building, they wanted such a "design" for themselves. So Maria started to paint other buildings. For the work, she received the first reward - pig.

Works of Primachenko - are so-called "naive art". Although the artist was poorly educated, in her mind there was another wonderful world. She drew unusual animals, but she has never been to the zoo. Only once Mary saw real exotic animals. In adulthood outstanding director Sergei Parajanov led her to the circus.

All her life the artist loved only one man - Vasyl. She met with him during his studies in Kiev. They got married, but soon he, infantry lieutenant, was taken to war. There he managed to get news of the birth of a son of Fedyr and even wrote a reply. But it was his last letter. After that Mary forgot about her personal life, even though she had plenty of admirers. She hoped that Vasyl will return.

Together with her son, they lived in a quandary. But the artist never took money for her work, only bestowed them.

Maria Primachenko died at the age of 88 years. During a lifetime, she created more than 650 works. Her masterpieces visited exhibitions in different cities around the world. There is even a legend that in Paris Primachenko’s pictures saw Pablo Picasso. He said: "If she lived in France, she would be more known than I am." Mary allegedly also revealed the album with the works of Picasso. She said: "In our village no one will understand this."

Son and grandson of the artist also became artists. In the middle of this amazing women there was an own world, full of special thoughts, ideas and experiences. She had different dreams. For example, she wanted to gather different artists and paint all the buildings in their cities. "... For the miracle that would have produced - would not be only blossomed gardens Kyiv. Buildings would laugh to people ... ".

Friends, we have to see a beauty around us and making efforts to make world more beautiful. This way, we will fulfill one of the wishes of Ukrainian artist Mary Primachenko, that was unique star that world.

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