Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Oleg Vyshniakov - Ukraine and Israel. Dear friends! I want to tell you about Israeli citizens who are fighting in the ATO area under the Ukrainian flag.

 Every soldier in Israel is a long-term investment into the benefit of their own country. Since childhood, Israelis are said that we can rely on ourselves only – no one will fight for us. Moreover, nobody will pay, or thank for this. For many Israelis, Ukraine is not an unfamiliar country. So, when Ukraine suffered, certain Israelis responded to this trouble and came to help. And not just the Israelis. Now, there are lots of foreigners, who are fighting in the Ukrainian army: the Georgians, the Poles, the Belarusians, the Moldovans, the Russians, the Austrians... It was their choice to go to the war, expecting nothing in return neither from the Ukrainian authorities, nor from the Ukrainian citizens. But does such a person have a right to obtain a passport of the citizen of Ukraine? I am convinced that certainly he is to have this right. After all, he defends his native land, though officially it is not his yet. But mentally it definitely is! And if we are talking about a man, who has on his "account" almost a year of fighting in the ATO area? Under the Ukrainian flag, gentlemen! The only one signature of the President can give these people an opportunity to stay in Ukraine and to help the authorities to reform the Ukrainian army. True patriots are not born, they are brought up. The Ukrainian authorities give the passport due to the political position (a politician Maria Gaidar or a journalist Catherine Sergatsova). So the person, who is ready to die for Ukraine every day, much more deserves to get this little book with a blue and yellow emblem on it, does not he? As an example, read the story of the military man Misha "Israelite" – an Israeli citizen, fighting for Ukraine, who has already been failed to get Ukrainian citizenship for more than a year:

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