Thursday, September 3, 2015

Oleg Vyshniakov - Ukraine and Israel. Ordinary people will pay for security services condoning.

Good afternoon everybody,
I would like to go back to the event happened on the 31st of August because of the heated debates around the photos of a person who is supposed to be guilty in this terror attack.

On different TV channels and in various News programs experts of all kinds are analyzing this situation. Nevertheless, no one answered the following question: in what way a man, dressed in camouflage, with the mask on his face, in a hat and with a huge backpack, drew no attention to his person on this peaceful demonstration? Taking into consideration that this demonstration took place not in Troieschyna district but in front of the building of The Supreme Council of Ukraine. And the demonstration had been already pelted with smoke bombs. The antipersonnel mine in the center of the capital within sight of a hundred of law enforcement officers is a slap to the Security Service.

So, where will be the next explosion? In the tube? In the supermarket? Due to such connivances common people are losing their lives and health. There are military operations in the country and many civilians have an access to weapons, furthermore some soldiers come back home bringing such «trophies». To dismiss it – means to be incompetent and unreasonable.

In Israel even the lost package immediately draws attention of the Security Service (watch this video). Ьost often it is a false call but there can be one real bomb among a hundred of jokes. The whole world knows about «nerdy and meticulous» Israeli border guards. Inspections at the entrance to the supermarket or to the mall are the shock for tourists, but it is the price of civilians’ security. It took Israel many years to get it.

Ukraine does not have so much time. The authorities have to think about it now; they have to initiate measures, moreover, they have a good example to adopt the best practices.

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