Monday, September 21, 2015

Oleg Vyshniakov - Ukraine and Israel. Thoughts on scientific and technological progress of Ukraine and Israel.

Good afternoon, friends!

Today I will share with you some thoughts on scientific and technological progress of Ukraine and Israel. It is difficult not to agree that the future of mankind is in information technology. Israeli experience in this sphere has already become a textbook example.

Israel is a country that was formed by its own. The tiny State (30 times less than Ukraine) is called “home of startups”. The amount of young technology companies can be compared to the amount of ants in an anthill. There are hundreds of new exciting projects every year.

Experts in IT sector even complain, they say: "there are young companies everywhere and they make really cool projects. To choose the best one is not an easy task". Waze (maps and navigation for drivers), Wix (site builder), BillGuard (personal financial security service) – these are the names of only a few applications from Israeli startups that are being discussed all over the world. Israeli achievements in medicine speak for themselves:

 - Nano-nose - a diagnostic device that allows to diagnose various types of lung cancer, with the help of inhaled air. The accuracy of the device is up to 95%.
- Hervana – non-hormonal contraceptives
- Vecoy nano-medicine - nano-trap for viruses, that is able to identify and destroy viruses before they can infect cells.
Such a list may be very long.

Do you know that foreign development centers of such companies as Apple, Microsoft and Intel from the very beginning were built in Israel? Currently, there are also research and development centers of such companies as Google, Samsung, Alcatel-Lucent and BlackBerry.

What is the secret of success? The main capital of Israel is its people. The mighty will to return "Eretz Yisrael" to the world map helped the country to emerge from a scratch in the middle of the desert. Israeli government understands how important it is to create conditions that will motivate people to develop themselves. Among such conditions that were created in Israel are: competitive education system, preferences for the most talented students, support provided to companies during the process of scientific and technological research etc.

Moreover, all this was achieved being in a state of permanent ware, gentlemen!

I think Israeli experience in the sphere of IT is the most necessary and important that should be adopted by Ukraine.

P.S. To understand the situation I advise you to read a book "Start-up nation" by Dan Senor and Saul Singer. The book describes the unique history of the Israeli economic miracle and shows how the struggle for survival turns into a successful business-story.

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