Friday, December 23, 2016


I congratulate all of you on Hanukkah!

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday of candles, lit in honor of the miracle that happened during sanctify of the Temple.

The Syrian king Antiochus IV in 167 BC condemned Judaism. Thor was the forbidden book, adherence of Jewish laws – a crime. Moreover, two Jewish women and their children, whom they had secretly made circumcision, were executed. Because of this Jewish uprising broke out. The army was small, ill-equipped. But it took only three years for it to oust Antioch from their lands. Once control of Jerusalem was established by the army of Judah Maccabee, the Jews managed to restore the Temple.

On the day of his atonement people had to light the Menorah and maintain its fire. But oil for lamps remained in amount only for one day. Making a sufficient number of production could take as much as eight days. But they still decided to light candles. They burnt on that oil the whole 8 days. It was a miracle! Therefore, Hanukkah lasts eight days.

In memory of it people light the holiday candles every night. Hanukkah begins at the end of Sabbath - the evening of 24thof December. Families gather at a large table, and eat holiday dishes. They eat sweet donuts with jam called sufhaniyet and imagine, potato pancakes! However, they were called "latkes." Kids just relax on vacation, so most like a holiday for them. Traditionally, many others present kids toy and money!

Friends, there is a wise Jewish saying: "A little light is enough to dispel great darkness." In this big celebration for the Jewish people, I urge you not to be disappointed and despair. Miracles are very close to us, you just need to strongly believe in it. And they will come true.

Hag Urim Sameakh! Joyous celebration of light!

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