Wednesday, June 22, 2016

75 years ago the troops of Nazi Germany invaded the territory of the USSR.

This treacherous attack is considered the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the day when World War II came to Ukraine.

But in fact this war for Ukrainians started September 1, 1939. From the beginning, Ukrainians were in the epicenter of this terrible war, which killed every fifth Ukrainian. Was it possible to prevent this terrible tragedy? Probably no, because sooner or later the two tyrants had to start fighting for world domination. Victims of their struggle were more than 27 millions of Ukrainians, Jews, Russians, Poles, French, British, and other nations.

Still we feel the consequences of the war, and even now we can hear the recriminations. Historians still discover new facts and details of the terrible crimes against humanity.

The worst thing is that it seems that humanity does not make any conclusions from these lessons: once Ukraine has experienced the consequences how self-centeredness and lust for power of the two tyrants have claimed millions of lives. Then Ukrainians had more casualties than the United Kingdom, Canada, the USA and France combined. On this day we remember those who have died in the war, but their sacrifice will be useless if we lose the most important - their memory. We cannot forget the crimes against the Ukrainian people, against the Jews, who have been destroyed by the fascist regime. Our descendants should know and understand at what price they have got their lives. But up until now there are those who try to manipulate history.

Everything is cyclical in the world, and now history is repeating, as then, mankind ignores the obvious facts. But the world will not survive this third war. Let us learn to respect our own history! I would like each of us have finally learned to make independent conclusions based on historical facts, and have not fallen under the influence of propaganda.

May the memory of all the victims live forever!

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