Thursday, June 2, 2016

For the whole world yesterday was the day of children protection.

But for Israel, starting from 2001, the 1st of June is connected to murder: this day 15 years ago Hamas suicide bomber have blown himself in the crowd of teenagers, that came to disco “Dolfi” in Tel-Aviv. As a result, 21 people died and 120 were injured.

This tragedy is called “Russian terror act” in Israel, because victims were children of repatriates the former Soviet Union. They were only 14, 15, 16 years, the oldest – 32 years.

I’m shocked with the severity level of the crime: 24-year-old Jordanian Palestinian Said Hutri merged with the crowd of young people who waited at the entrance to the disco. His bomb was filled with nails, nuts and metal balls, he stood in the middle of the crowd, that’s why there was so many victims. But there could be even more, if he would manage to reach inside the building. Fatal mistake was the fact, that at that time security was not allowed to check personal belongings of the visitors. In 2003 the leader who organized this terrorist act. His name is Raad Hutri and he was sentenced to 22 lifetime terms.

For 15 years already the 1st of June is remembrance day in Israel for those, who died in this terrorist act, every child is named by name. In memory of the victims the candles are lit, and the sound of improvised memory siren rings. This is the price Israel pays for the right to be an independent state.

It is important that in Ukraine people also understand that those who start a war with civilians, have no moral principles. They kill for killing as Palestinian suicide bomber in "Dolph". Israel paid for its carelessness and insufficient safety precautions a very high price. Today in Israel frame metal detectors and bags check - a common phenomenon at the entrance to any supermarket.

Ukrainians have not yet learned how to live with the knowledge that their territories can be infiltrated by enemies and terrorists. Today we need to be as attentive to all that can cause even the slightest suspicion, because war is not always entirely behind the front line.

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