Wednesday, February 15, 2017


 Today Ukrainians celebrate the last big holiday of winter - Candlemas. Also it was called Hromnytsya or Zymobor.

Candlemas is celebrated on the fortieth day after Christmas. On this day, Jesus was brought to the Temple to be consecrated to God. In the church, he met the old man Simeon, who, according to legend, had waited for the Messiah for 350 years. He recognized the child who was the Savior. He took Jesus in his arms (that’s why Simeon is called the God-Receiver) and predicted that this baby will be the salvation of all peoples. This meeting formed the basis for the holidays.

Ukrainians called the day Zymobor, because today winter meets spring. If on the twilight on Candlemas it will become warmer, it will mean that spring won. Also, people learn whether they will have harvest: for the night they expose a plate with corn on the court. If there will be dew in the morning – they will have it, if there is nit – they won’t. Incidentally, on this day farmers usually do not work. They hallowed water and candles. They were called "hromnytsyas" They protected the homes of thunder, from spring floods and e frost trees. So, the people called Candlemas also Hromnytsyas.

This water treated various diseases. And parents blessed sons who went to war or went on a long journey with it.

Friends! Let the heat win today, if not in the weather, but in our hearts. I wish you good mood, harmony, strength and inspiration to you and your families!

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