Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today I am going to tell you about the Israeli experience in one of the desperate situations.

Although almost everything, Israelis do has been created in an environment when all that remained was to die or find a way out.

You know, about 80% of Israel's territory is arid desert, the rest of the land is not better. From this point of view, Israel has really nothing to boast of: there are actually no mineral resources. When the neighbors successfully pump oil and gas out of the earth interior, Israel has got stones, rocks, sand, and the Dead Sea. “There are no resources in the desert, we will find them in the sea,” apparently that was the Israeli engineers’ decision and they found several large gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea.

It should be noted that the adverse environmental conditions do not stop Israelis at all; they are becoming a kind of a challenge for them. Here is an example of such cooperation: in the Negev desert, the Israeli scientists have learned how to grow fish. To do this, they have literally drilled through the desert: it is 300 km to the nearest beach from here, so water had to be produced from a kilometer depth. The most interesting thing is that not river fish but sea fish lives here, and it needs the sea to survive.

If there is a need we’ll do it, Israelis decided so and dug up the sea in the middle of the desert. There are even two of them: one for fish and one for water filtration. Water from the depths of the desert, which filled them in, is very salty like the sea one, fish lives in it perfectly.

Of course, it is not without the Israeli technology: computers control water condition, amount of feed and oxygen in water. Water quality is analyzed all the time. If water does not meet standards, it is run into a special pool where it is cleaned without reagents by using specific types of bacteria.

The Israeli scientists claim that such fish production is profitable not only from an economic point of view: this method of fish cultivation makes it possible for seas to recreate from human interaction and restore its natural resources. Furthermore, using this method one can grow a larger number of fish species than it is provided by nature. Well, it is obvious that the development of this method will allow breeding fish in those places where it is needed and where it is difficult or unprofitable to deliver it.

To feed the hungry, create jobs and perform another miracle is the daily life of Israel.

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